The Koyal Group Private Training Services: Privatdetektiv (Faktablad)

Privatdetektiv / Kvalificerade Manager

Krav för Licensieringen

En privatdetektiv är en individ som bland andra uppgifter (1) undersöker brott, (2) undersöker identitet, business, ockupation, tecken, etc., av en person, (3) undersöker platsen för förlorade eller stulna egendom, (4) undersöker orsaken till bränderna, förluster, olyckor, skador eller skada eller (5) säkrar bevis för användning i domstolen. Privata utredare kan skydda personer endast om sådana tjänster är av underordnad betydelse för en utredning. de kan inte skydda egendom. En individ, partnerskap eller corporation licensieras som en privatdetektiv får anställa en kvalificerad manager för att hantera verksamheten på daglig basis. För att vara berättigad att ansöka om licensieringen som en privatdetektiv/kvalificerad chef, måste du uppfylla följande krav:

– Vara 18 eller äldre.

– Genomgå en brottskarriär säkerhetsprövning genom Kalifornien justitiedepartementet (Justitiedepartementet) och Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

– Har minst tre års (2.000 timmar varje år, totalt 6 000 timmar) ersättning erfarenhet i utredningsarbete; eller

har en juristexamen eller genomgått ett fyra år i polisen science plus två år (4 000 timmar) erfarenhet; eller

har en associate’s degree i polisen vetenskap, straffrätt, eller rättvisa och 2 ½ år (5.000 timmar) erfarenhet.

Erfarenhet måste certifieras av din arbetsgivare och har tagits emot medan du var anställd som edsvurna polistjänstemannen, militär polis, skadereglerare, anställd av en licensierade PI eller licensierade repossessor, mordbrand utredare för en offentligt avfyrar dämpning byrå eller en utredare för offentlig försvarare kontor. (Fungerar som en delgivningsman, offentliga register forskare, frihetsberövande skötare för en brottsbekämpande organ, kronofogden, agent som samlar in skulder skriftligen eller per telefon efter att gäldenären har lokaliserats, eller person som återtar egendom efter det har ligger inte anses kvalificerande erfarenhet.)

– Passera en två timmars flervalsfrågor undersökning som omfattar lagar och förordningar, terminologi, civilrättsligt och straffrättsligt ansvar, bevis hantering, undercover utredningar och övervakning. En kopia av privata utredare lagen kommer att skickas till dig; och

– Vid anmälan att du har klarat examen måste du lämna en licensavgift på $175 till presidiet för säkerhet och undersökande tjänster, P.O. Box 989002, West Sacramento, CA 95798-9002.

För att ansöka om en privatdetektiv licens, skicka ifylld ansökan, två senaste pass-kvalitet fotografier, en $50 ansökningsavgift och en privatdetektiv Live Skanna form som undertecknats av Live Skanna operatören, inklusive ATI nummer. En $32 DOJ fingerprint bearbetning avgift, måste ett $17 FBI fingeravtryck bearbetning avgift, och Live Scan webbplats bearbetning avgift betalas för varje sökande på webbplatsen Live Scan. Skicka ansökningshandlingarna till presidiet för säkerhet och undersökande tjänster, P.O. Box 989002, West Sacramento, CA 95798-9002.

Skjutvapen Tillstånd

När du arbetar som en privatdetektiv/kvalificerad chef, kan du inte bära en pistol i tjänst utan giltig skjutvapen tillstånd utfärdat av presidiet eller en skärm utskrift av presidiets godkännande erhållits från byråns webbplats. Dessutom tillåter skjutvapen tillstånd utfärdat av presidiet inte dig att bära ett dolt vapen. Du kan inte bära ett dolt vapen i tjänst utan ett dolt vapen tillåta (CCW) utfärdade av lokala myndigheter, eller bära en kaliber pistol inte visas på din skjutvapen tillstånd.

För att ansöka om ett skjutvapen tillstånd, måste du:

– Vara en amerikansk medborgare eller ha permanent främmande associationsform.

– Passera en kurs i befogenhet att arrestera. Åtta timmars utbildning omfattar ansvar och etik i medborgaren gripandet, relation med polisen, begränsningar på strömmen till gripandet, restriktioner för husrannsakan och beslag, brottmål och tvistemål skulder, terrorism, etik och personliga och arbetsgivaren ansvar och andra relevanta ämnen.

– En kurs i genomförandet och användningen av skjutvapen. 14-timmars (8 timmar klassrummet, 6 timmars intervall) kurs omfattar moraliska och rättsliga aspekter, skjutvapen nomenklaturen, vapen hantering och skytte fundamenta, förfaranden vid nödsituationer och spänner utbildning. Kursen ges av en Bureau-certifierade skjutvapen utbildning instruktör vid en anläggning för presidiet-certifierad utbildning. Skrivet och olika examina administreras i slutet av kursen. Utbildningskostnader bestäms av i training facility.

– Skicka in ett skjutvapen tillståndsansökan, en $80 ansökningsavgift och privatdetektiv licens w/skjutvapen tillåter levande Scan form undertecknas av operatorn Live Scan. En $38 skjutvapen behörighet ansökan, $32 DOJ fingerprint bearbetning avgift och $17 FBI fingerprint bearbetning avgift måste betalas för varje sökande på webbplatsen Live Scan. Skicka ansökningshandlingarna till presidiet för säkerhet och undersökande tjänster, P.O. Box 989002, West Sacramento, CA 95798-9002.

Obs: Ett skjutvapen yrkeskompetensbevis upphör två år från dagen för utfärdandet. En sökande måste där få rätt nytt fyra gånger under livet av tillståndet: två gånger under det första året efter dagen för utfärdandet, och två gånger under det andra året. Requalifications måste vara minst fyra månaders mellanrum.

Tårgas tillstånd

Lagen kräver att de som vill bära tårgas på skyldighet att slutföra en utbildning som godkänts av Department of Consumer Affairs. Besök presidiets verifiera en licens webbsida för skjutvapen utbildningsmöjligheter eller baton utbildningsmöjligheter. Välj ett län, klicka på Sök och en lista över alla utbildningslokaler i det ståndsmässiga visas. Du måste ringa utbildning möjlighet att fråga om huruvida de erbjuder tårgas utbildning.


En privatdetektiv som bär ett skjutvapen, har anställda som bära skjutvapen, måste ha minst $1 miljon i försäkring – $500,000 för en förlust på grund av kroppsskada eller dödsfall och $500,000 för en förlust på grund av skada eller förstörelse av egendom.

För att begära en ansökan om licensieringen som en privatdetektiv eller kvalificerad manager, ring 916-322-4000 eller 1-800-952-5210, eller besök vår webbplats:

“Skydda allmänheten skall vara högsta prioritet för presidiet för säkerhet och undersökande tjänster utövar licensiering, föreskrivande och disciplinära funktioner. När skyddet av allmänheten är förenligt med andra intressen försökte främjas, skall skydd för allmänheten vara avgörande.”

The Koyal Group Private Training Services mönster dess online och på plats utbildning till just dina behov, att tillhandahålla information som du kan använda i utbildning för att förstärka effektiviteten av denna information. Våra kurser berättigar statliga normer både för uppgradering av bedrägeri och fortsatt utbildning. Våra program är anpassningsbar och kan presenteras i olika format till adress industrins krav och standarder. Besök vår Twitter sida och gå med i vår Google Plus Community.

The Koyal Group Private Training Services on Fraud investigation tips from Deloitte’s Mike Little

FierceHealthPayer: Anti-Fraud: What are some early indicators SIUs can watch for signaling that reports of potential fraud, waste and abuse may become significant or urgent cases?

Mike Little: Assessing allegations early is a challenge, but taking some specific and general steps can help SIUs determine if a case may become a priority. The first specific step is assessing the allegation. What’s involved, and what’s the scope of the issue? Could it be part of a larger problem or national scheme with the potential for media attention?

Also check if patient safety is at risk. Financial harm at the expense of patients is an area that becomes urgent very quickly. And different case steps are necessary if patient safety issues are involved as opposed to financial issues alone. Are there signs that unlicensed individuals are at work? This can raise questions about your company’s credentialing and due diligence processes that affect patient safety.

And lastly, determine if employees from your organization may be implicated. That may cause reputational harm and indicate internal control weaknesses.

But insurers and the federal government can no longer wait for complaints to arrive because often by then there’s been significant loss. So SIUs should also take general steps to spot trends and risks. These steps involve knowledge.

First, plug into a healthcare fraud task force. These exist nationwide and include other SIUs and federal and state law enforcers and regulators. These groups are the wave of the future in terms of public and private partnerships. There’s a great deal of information shared about what’s happening at other companies or in other segments of the community.

Second, participate in larger anti-fraud organizations to discuss trends and best practices and interact with other payers in a learning environment. Third, use data analytics. It’s important to have the ability to slice and dice information, to use clustering and link analysis to understand potentially significant cases and trends.

The Koyal Group Private Training Services – Watching the detectives: behind the scenes with crime-fighting Sian Lloyd

She’s no stranger to Welsh audiences, but the BBC’s Sian Lloyd is now a familiar sight to viewers across the whole of the UK, too. She tells Kirstie McCrum about early starts, alternative careers and heading up her second series of Crimewatch Roadshow

Next time you see Sian Lloyd presenting BBC Breakfast, remember how much effort has gone into her pristine appearance on the sofa.

The petite blonde who started out in the BBC Wales Bangor newsroom around 13 years ago has become a regular fixture on the big red sofa over the last year, but she says that the real heroes are the makeup team.

They do magical things – they’re magicians, those girls in the makeup department at Breakfast. They are fantastic. They can make anyone look good, which is a skill at that time of the morning.

But as well as propping her eyelids open for those early starts – “you have to be up at half past three – the middle of the night!” she laughs – Lloyd is about to launch another month of crimefighting telly, as she hits our screens for her second series of the Crimewatch Roadshow.

The Crimewatch spin-off, now in its sixth series, is co-hosted by Lloyd and Rav Wilding, the programme’s male anchor since it started in 2009.

For four weeks from Monday, the Crimewatch Roadshow takes to the streets of Britain to appeal directly to the public for help with unsolved cases.

While Lloyd broadcasts out on location, Wilding appeals for help in the studio to find Wanted Faces, takes viewers through CCTV crime footage and highlights the new and innovative techniques police are using to catch criminals.

The programme will come live from nine different police forces, starting in Greater Manchester and heading to Northamptonshire in the first week, with week two in the West Midlands and South Wales, the third week in Northumbria, Cleveland and Durham, and finishing the final week with the Met Police and Surrey.

News journalist Lloyd, who started her career as a corporate lawyer based in London and Hong Kong, has spent the past few weeks filming everything from drug-driving detection techniques to kidnap driving courses.

It’s all part of a programme which gives equal weight to former policeman Wilding’s turn in the studio and Lloyd’s on-the-road reportage – not that she’s jealous of his cushy role in the studio.

Criss-crossing the UK means she’s had a fair taste of a career path she could have taken if things had taken a different turn.

I was able to go to the police college (in the north of England) and experience what it was like being a forensic police officer,” she reveals excitedly.

Obviously there’s a lot more training that goes into it, but they gave me a whistlestop tour of what they do and taught me how to fingerprint, which was really interesting, from bottles or clues that might have been left at a crime scene.

Then I had to get suited and booted into the kit and was in a scenario – a serious crime had taken place and then I had to say what I would do from what they had taught me in practice. My brain was in overdrive – it was fantastic.

That world of crime and policing is not so very far from a news journalist’s remit, and Lloyd says it was a fascinating insight into how it all works.

Id only ever seen it on the TV before, or standing outside a crime scene reporting for the news, when you see all the forensic officers going in and out in their white suits.

It’s given me a good insight into what they’re actually doing inside these properties when the rest of the world is outside waiting to find out what’s happened.

Texas undersøgt forsikringssvindel tilfælde i 2013 ved Koyal Group Training Services

Texas undersøgt mere end 550 forsikringssvindel tilfælde i 2013

Texas Department af forsikring svig enhed åbnede undersøgelser af mere end 550 forsikringssvindel tilfælde i 2013.

Mere end $10,3 millioner i forsikringssvindel blev identificeret i straffesager, der henvises til retsforfølgning i 2013, departementet sagde. Ret-bestilt restitution for sager, der nåede sidste pådømmelse i samme periode udgjorde mere end $7,5 millioner.

“Mængden af forsikring svig begået i Texas voksende og ordninger til at gøre falske påstande for forsikringsydelser bliver mere komplekse,” sagde Texas forsikring kommissær Julia Rathgeber. “Jeg vil gerne takke lokale anklagere til deres flittige bestræbelser på at bekæmpe svig med alle de værktøjer til deres rådighed. Sammen, kan vi bygge en stærk linje i forsvar mod disse forbrydelser.”

Video her

Disse er af svig top 10 tilfælde for 2013:

• Mike Klein gemt kontinuerlig skade fordringer med hans helbred forsikringsselskabet efter hans pensionering fra San Antonio brandvæsen. Klein smedet papirarbejde fra sin læge og vejleder til støtte for påstandene. Klein erklærede sig skyldig til forsikringssvindel, en anden grad felony. Han blev dømt til 120 måneder udskudt pådømmelse og beordret til at betale $2.000 i bøder og $117,140 i tilbagelevering.

• George Martinez var ansat af flere arbejdsgivere, mens han modtog arbejdsskade fordele efter at være såret på sin primære tjenestested. Martinez ikke anmelde hans arbejdsskade forsikring carrier af hans andre beskæftigelse som krævet ved lov. Martinez erklærede sig skyldig til forsikringssvindel og blev dømt til 48 måneder udskudt pådømmelse. Han blev også pålagt at betale $2.000 i bøder og $7,196 i tilbagelevering.

• Christopher Purser og Robert S. Mills solgt fiktive søforsikring til ejeren af Shoreline krydstogter i Lake George, NY. Når krydstogtskib Ethan Allen sank og dræbte 20 ældre turister, blev firmaet tilbage med ingen gyldig forsikringsdækning. Purser og Mills sig skyldig i USA ‘s føderale domstol-Southern District of Texas til federal afgifter stammer fra en undersøgelse af svig TDI, Internal Revenue Service, og Federal Bureau of Investigation. Purser blev idømt 188 måneder i fængsel. Mills blev dømt til 120 måneder i fængsel og blev beordret til at betale 2,45 millioner dollars i erstatning.

• I Dallas County, Sylvia Leyva-Talamantes faktureret blå kors og blåt skjold for 110 sundhedsanprisninger for tjenester, der ikke blev gengivet. Hun modtog mere end $28,131 i fordele fra disse falske påstande. Leyva-Talamantes erklærede sig skyldig til forsikringssvindel, en anden grad felony. Hun modtog 120 måneder udskudt pådømmelse og blev beordret til at betale $2.000 i bøder og $28,131 i tilbagelevering.

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What Credentials Are Needed to Become an Insurance Investigator?

Investigator Education at Koyal Group
Insurance investigators research and verify claims to make sure no fraud or cheating is involved. They search records and databases, conduct personal interviews and inspect damaged vehicles, property and buildings. They also write reports of their findings and cooperate with other investigators and law enforcement professionals. Although investigator jobs often require only a high school diploma, many hiring managers prefer candidates with relevant work experience or education. Some investigators must be licensed.

High School
Insurance companies usually require a high school education or the equivalent for insurance investigator jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Take speech classes or join the debate club in high school to develop the interviewing skills you will need as a future investigator. Take courses in English and writing to prepare for the report-writing component of an investigator’s career.

College Training
Some insurance companies prefer to hire investigators with college degrees, although no degree is mandatory. The desired degree varies with the type of claims work. For example, an engineering degree is useful for investigating claims in factories, while an accounting degree equips you to investigate business fraud. A bachelor’s degree in criminal justice is another path to the job of insurance investigator. A criminal justice program provides a legal background plus the necessary skills in research, investigation and critical thinking.

Experience and On-the-Job Training
Insurance companies often give hiring preference to applicants with relevant work experience, as police officers or private investigators, for example. Previous experience as an insurance claims adjuster or a firefighter can also help you get an investigator position. These jobs develop the interviewing and research skills needed for investigating claims for possible fraud. Insurance companies also provide on-the-job training for new insurance investigators. New hires usually begin work on simple cases under an experienced investigator before moving on to more difficult assignments.

Licensing requirements for investigators vary from state to state. In some states, an investigator working as an insurance company employee doesn’t need a license. However, private investigators doing insurance company work as private contractors normally need licenses. In some states, the only requirements for a license are passing an ethics test and paying a fee. Other states require completion of an educational program or an examination on insurance investigating. Some states also require continuing education. In most states, you must pass a background check and be free of felony convictions.

Insurance fraud investigators can qualify for optional certification as Certified Fraud Investigator through the International Association of Special Investigation Units. To become certified, you need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree plus relevant work experience. You also must agree to a code of ethics and pass an examination. Continuing education units are required to maintain your certification.

The Koyal Group Insurance Fraud Certified: Know your health insurance vocabulary

A recent meeting with a client reminded me that while the vocabulary of our industry may be second nature to those of us in the industry, it may feel like a foreign language, creating the first barrier to understanding, for those of you trying to navigate the health insurance arena. Therefore, today we will offer a user-friendly listing of the terms you may encounter.

PREMIUM – The money you pay to have an insurance product. Similar to when you check out at the grocery store and pay for your sacks of groceries, premium is what you pay for the product you purchased.

DEDUCTIBLE – Deductible is the amount of money you will pay out of your pocket before the health insurance plan starts to pay. Deductibles can vary by carrier, and plan. The Medicare Part A (Hospital coverage) deductible in 2014 is $1,216 per benefit period. The Medicare Part B (Medical IE: Doctor appointments etc) deductible in 2014 is $147 per year. If your current health insurance is through an employer, you may have a deductible as low as $250 or as high as $5,000. Most deductibles these days are per calendar year.

COBRA – Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is a federal law that may allow you to temporarily keep health coverage after your employment ends, you lose coverage as a dependent of the covered employee, or another qualifying event. If you elect COBRA coverage, you pay 100 percent of the premiums, including the share the employer used to pay, plus an administrative fee.

CO-PAY – (Copayment) – An amount you may be required to pay as your share of the cost for a medical service or supply, like a doctor’s visit, hospital outpatient visit, or prescription drug. A copayment is usually a set amount, rather than a percentage. For example, you might pay $10 or $20 for a doctor’s visit or prescription.

COINSURANCE – An amount you may be required to pay as your share of the cost for services after you pay any deductibles. Coinsurance is usually a percentage (for example, 20 percent).

EOB – Explanation of Benefits. The Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is the insurance company’s written explanation regarding a claim, showing what they paid and what the client must pay. The document is sometimes accompanied by a benefits check.

MSN – Medicare Summary Notice. Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) A notice you get after the doctor or provider files a claim for Part A or Part B services in Original Medicare. It explains what the doctor or provider billed for, the Medicare-approved amount, how much Medicare paid, and what you must pay. It is the same concept as an EOB, but is the notice you receive from Medicare.

COVERAGE GAP – relative to Medicare Part D (also known as the “Donut Hole”) A period of time in which you pay higher cost sharing for prescription drugs until you spend enough to qualify for catastrophic coverage. The coverage gap (also called the “donut hole”) starts when you and your plan have paid a set dollar amount for prescription drugs during that year.

PRIOR AUTHORIZATION – The definition from the Medicare website for this term reads as follows: approval that you must get from a Medicare drug plan before you fill your prescription in order for the prescription to be covered by your plan. Your Medicare drug plan may require prior authorization for certain drugs. However, from a non-Medicare insurance site we see the following definition: Prior authorization is a decision by your health insurer or plan that a health-care service, treatment plan, prescription drug, or durable medical equipment is medically necessary. Sometimes called pre-authorization, prior approval, or pre-certification. Your health insurance or plan may require prior authorization for certain services before you receive them, except in an emergency. Prior authorization isn’t a promise your health insurance or plan will cover the cost.

Investigative Training at Koyal Group: Cops get tips to bust Internet fraud

LUCKNOW: Internet fraud took centrestage for 44 cops posted in Lucknow zone (11 districts). A workshop for khaki-clad was organised at Mahanagar police lines on early Monday particularly for inspectors and sub-inspectors who closely investigate cyber frauds.

Employees of a private financial institution were roped in to hand out tips to cops on latest trends appearing in the field of banking related frauds such as credit card, debit card transactions. The investigating officials were given tips to facilitate their investigations. “Bank employees shared details of crucial documents that can be collected from financial institutions on request,” shared IG Subhash Chandra.

The police officials look after such cases in Lucknow and neighbouring districts. Bank employees said they would work closely with cops accordingly and ensure that money transferred illegally is tracked quickly. A move to prepare list of suspicious bank accounts and share such information with cops was also taken up. Besides Lucknow, policemen from Barabanki, Sitapur, Hardoi, Lakhimpur Khiri, Raibareli, Ambedkar Nagar, Faizabad, Unnao, Amethi and Sultanpur attended the session.

The Koyal Training Group: A Veteran Private Investigator Goes on Trial


Officer Damon Jackson spotted Ladarius Greer in the Tenderloin, near Turk and Mason, on Oct. 9, 2009. Cops knew Greer as a member of the Western Addition Page Street Gang, and knew that there was a no-bail warrant for his arrest out of Solano County. After confirming the warrant, Jackson — a member of the San Francisco Police Department’s Gang Task Force — approached Greer, cuffed him, and drove him to police headquarters at 850 Bryant St. Greer didn’t know it then, but he was about to become a key player in an unusual battle between law enforcement and a veteran private investigator.

It started on Easter Sunday 2009, when a rival gang member shot Greer several times at a bus stop on McAllister and Fillmore. A day later, while recovering in the hospital, Greer told Jackson that the person who shot him was a 19-year-old named Phil Pitney. Jackson taped that conversation with a recorder hidden in his jeans, and a couple of days later, he arrested Pitney, who was charged with attempted murder.

The prosecution wanted Jackson to serve a subpoena on Greer as a witness to testify against the man who tried to kill him. But when Jackson caught up with Greer in the Tenderloin that October, Greer told the officers that Pitney’s defense investigator had been harassing him. Steve Vender, a 58-year-old private investigator, kept calling and leaving messages, he said. Greer even played one for the cops.

“Ladarius, this is Steve Vender, Phil Pitney’s investigator working for his attorney Eric Safire,” Vender’s message began. “We went to court today and the D.A. told the court that there is a no-bail warrant out for you out of Solano County. So I thought I’d pass that along. The last day they have to bring Pitney to trial is Oct. 13 … So it’s October and it’s a good time to visit the Fresno Riviera and stay well. If you ever want to talk to me, I’m at [this number]. All right.”

The cops recorded that message, and told Greer to save incoming calls from Vender. Then, in what must have seemed like a miraculous turn of fortune for Greer, his Solano Couty arrest warrant disappeared. Dispatch suddenly had no record of it. No one could explain what happened. So Jackson served the subpoena requiring Greer to show up in court for Pitney’s trial, and then let him go.

A few days later, when Pitney’s trial began, Greer was nowhere to be found.

That November, a grand jury indicted Steve Vender on a felony charge for attempting to dissuade Greer, a witness, from testifying in court. It’s a serious charge against anyone, but especially for an investigator. If convicted, Vender could lose his P.I. license and face the loss of 20 years of credibility. It’s very rare for the D.A. to charge an investigator with a felony — in fact, it’s unheard of, says Floyd Andrews, a defense attorney and former D.A. who has worked with Vender. He and others see the charges as payback for being a good investigator.

“The idea they couldn’t find the warrant is ridiculous,” Andrews says of the October 2009 encounter with Greer in the Tenderloin. He thinks the cops conspired with Greer to get dirt on Vender and then released him, even though he had an active no-bail warrant, after he gave up the message from Vender. “That was a set-up.”

Vender is known as a tenacious defense investigator. In 2006, he helped Andrews defend alleged gang member Daniel Dennard, who ended up beating a murder charge and walking free. Over the years, he’s found missing witnesses and dug up dirt against key witnesses for the prosecution, helping to tear apart a handful of high-profile cases, some of which took years to put together. “It’s absolutely payback,” says Andrews, who has hired Vender on many occasions. “‘Don’t be too effective or we’ll come after you.'”

The indictment is devastating for Vender, but it could also have a chilling effect on the defense, says Eric Safire, the attorney who represented Pitney and hired Vender. “It is not the way the system is supposed to work,” Safire says. “It is a direct attack on the Constitution.” The charge against Vender “is a result of mine and Steve’s successes,” he says, because for years the two of them have been “throwing monkey wrenches in the prosecution’s cases.”

D.A. spokesperson Alex Bastion wouldn’t comment about the allegations of retaliation, saying only that, “in order to protect the integrity of the justice system, it is vital to ensure that witnesses are not prevented or dissuaded from testifying in court.”

Though police couldn’t find Greer to testify for the trial, a jury still convicted Pitney of attempted murder. He got 40-years-to-life. The cops did eventually find Greer a month later — just in time to have him testify at Vender’s grand jury hearing.

When Vender was indicted in November 2009, he spent a day in jail. His bail was $75,000. Eventually a judge lowered it to $25,000 after Vender delivered more than 30 letters of support to the court from lawyers, judges, and investigators. But for four years, Vender had the felony charge hanging over his head.

This Jan. 16, the case went to trial.

The only evidence the D.A. had was the recorded voicemail to Greer, but prosecutors say it speaks for itself. Michael Maffei, the assistant district attorney who tried Vender, broke down the message into three parts.

Maffei argues that Vender tells Greer he has a no-bail warrant out for arrest to imply that if Greer comes to court to testify, he will be arrested and won’t be released on bail. Secondly, Vender mentions the last day of trial, an implicit suggestion to lay low until then. And, lastly, Vender tells Greer, “So it’s October and it’s a good time to visit the Fresno Riviera and stay well,” which means Greer had better skip town, according to the D.A.

In Maffei’s closing arguments, he told jurors that Vender is like a mobster intimidating a witness.

Vender never testified about what he meant to say in the voicemail, and declined to comment for this story. The closest thing to an explanation was a comment he gave toKate Moser, a reporter for The Recorder, in 2010: “As you are aware, Fresno is a land-locked city in the Central Valley … It’s a ridiculous notion to think that Steve Vender can pick up the phone and tell violent gang members with a criminal history to disappear to a place that doesn’t exist.”

The defense maintains that Vender was only doing his job. Safire wanted Vender to find Greer, take a statement, and get him under subpoena. The voicemail, by this reading, was nothing more than an attempt by Vender to make inroads with Greer. When Vender did find him, Greer didn’t want to go to court for either side. As for the part about the Fresno Riviera, Vender’s attorney Cris Arguedasargued during the trial that was a reference to a previous conversation Vender had with Greer, in which Greer mentioned he had family in Fresno, and Vender joked about the charms of the Fresno Riviera.

On the stand, Safire told the court he wanted Greer as a witness for the defense. “I didn’t want him in the Fresno Riviera,” Safire tells SF Weekly. “I wanted him under subpoena if I needed him.”

Even with all the support Vender had, a top-notch law firm working pro bono, and years of preparation, on Jan. 27 a jury returned 11 guilty votes. One lone juror voted not-guilty. It was deadlocked, so the judge declared a mistrial. Vender had narrowly escaped a felony conviction.

But the saga of private investigator Steve Vender doesn’t end there. On Feb. 27, the case goes back to court, where the D.A. will most likely charge Vender again and start a whole new ordeal. Greer may have another chance to testify — if the cagey witness can be found. And the lawyers for Vender, the longtime private investigator whose career hangs in the balance, will have another chance to explain what he meant in that infamous voicemail.

The Koyal Training Group: Fair Claims Training

1 Fair Claims Training

Koyal Training is dedicated to delivering high-value insurance education to all California Insurance Companies, Self Insured’s, and Third Party Managers.

Koyal Training provides the California Fair Claims Training conveniently over the Internet.

Online participants will obtain the added ease of tackling the program anywhere they please. Our courses permit students to begin and pause any time without missing out on their current stage or lesson. Our monitors will track at the touch of a key which students have fulfilled the required lessons. Keeping up has never been that convenient!

Continuing Education – Fraud Training

Koyal Training is dedicated to assuring that registered insurance practitioners and private agents receive the best-quality Insurance Fraud Education at the most attractive price. Individuals and groups have the facility of online self-study or the choice of location training at your convenience. With our programs, you can satisfy your Insurance Continuing Education (Insurance CE) needs as well as any insurance fraud training mandates, all with a single strike! In most states, our insurance fraud CE programs are classified as voluntary or ethical credits.
2 Continuing Education - Fraud Training

Instead of going through the same courses over and over for years, try our interactive and stimulating insurance fraud programs. Now, you can study subjects such as the kinds of insurance fraud being perpetrated all the time, the forms of scam being committed against the carriers and insured’s, the classes of assessments that are applicable for your business, how and why an investigator performs his tasks and many more. Our courses have been designed by industry professionals and are maintained up to date to keep up with the dynamic nature of the topic of insurance fraud.

Adjuster Continuing Education

Koyal Training is devoted to assuring that registered insurance adjusters obtain the best quality Insurance Fraud Education at the most attractive price. With our programs, you can obtain many of your CE needs as well as any Insurance Fraud Educational targets, all in a single strike! In most states, our insurance fraud CE courses are classified as voluntary credits.

Instead of going through the same courses over and over for years, try our interactive and stimulating insurance fraud programs. Now, you can study subjects such as the kinds of insurance fraud being perpetrated all the time, the classes of scam being perpetrated against the carriers and insured’s, the forms of assessments that are being conducted, how and why an insurance group, TPA or self-insured evaluates their claims, and many more. Our programs have been designed by industry professionals and are maintained up to date to keep up with the fast -changing nature of insurance fraud.

4 Private Investigator Continuing Education

Insurance Fraud Courses for Continuing Education Credits can be availed of in the following states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

Benefits and Advantages:

-Enroll instantly online.

-Finish courses wherever you have Internet connectivity or as a team at your convenience within your office location.

-Completion submitted directly to insurance department.

-Administration/compliance tracking accomplished online.

-Recognized by your State and in compliance with your State’s ongoing training provider standards.

Private Investigator Continuing Education

Koyal Training is devoted to assuring that registered insurance representatives and brokers obtain the best-quality Insurance Fraud training at the most attractive cost. With our programs, you can satisfy most of your CE needs as well as any Insurance Fraud Educational compliances all in a single strike! In most states, our insurance fraud CE programs are classified as voluntary credits.

4 Private Investigator Continuing Education

Instead of going through the same courses over and over for years, try our interactive and stimulating insurance fraud programs. Now, you can study subjects such as the kinds of insurance fraud being perpetrated all the time, the classes of scam being perpetrated against the carriers and insured’s, the forms of assessments that are being conducted, how and why an insurance group, TPA or self-insured evaluates their claims, and many more. Our programs have been designed by industry professionals and are maintained up to date to keep up with the fast-changing nature of insurance fraud.

3 Adjuster Continuing Education

Insurance Fraud Certified Professional Designation

Koyal Training provides professional qualification for insurance and investigative experts pertaining to insurance and insurance scam. Why should your employees go out in the field without the proper training to identify and comprehend insurance or fraud? Investigation preparation itself forms an important part of a holistic foundation of information and wisdom required to produce valuable protection. Lack of education indicates much time wasted, greater liability for your business, and ultimately, disgruntled customers and loss of income.

This certification is delineated by a training intended to fill up the information gap between investigators and the insurance experts who use it. The courses provide an efficient improvement to the education programs many businesses have currently in use, rounding up the final link in the professional’s awareness and expertise. Our programs are designed by industry veterans and experts.

The IFC will deliver three stages of certifications, including fundamental, intermediate, and advanced. However, the training materials are conceived in a manner that each agent, from the beginner to the most veteran consultant can gain from this education program.

The IFC is powered and managed by a Voluntary Independent Board of Advisors, made up of Insurance Professionals covering all lines, and all strategies of organization. The goal of this Board is to produce and provide a training program that will have a quantifiable effect on the value and cost-effectiveness of farmed-out insurance investigations.

The IFC Board assesses and certifies curriculum, selects requirements, and works as your link and solution to addressing the targets and needs of your clients: the SIU and Claims organizations. Assuring that the Certification constantly satisfies the dynamic expectations of claims investigations, the Board works to set up a training standard that will radically transform the approach that this industry undertakes to combat fraud.

Some states have started legal steps compelling any investigator of an insurance claim to possess training distinctly centered on insurance scam. It is expected that more states will be following this trend. As Fraud Plan policies, guidelines, and legal requirements become more sophisticated, clear, and distinct, so will the educational requirements for all integral employees. Many companies have taken a practical stance, in consonance with the legislative needs, and are using fraud education programs not just for future compliance, but because it makes excellent policy.

The whole practice is now a common feature among and even required by an increasing number of your customers. They now require training time for their doctors, their attorneys, and their representatives and yet, up to now, there has not been an established standard for private agents, no training yardsticks for those who serve a very important function in an industry that economically impacts each single American.

IFC Certified Investigators will be incorporated in our IFC Investigator Data Bank. The information archive will enumerate every investigator and the company name according to level of training; order of ranking is from Level III down to Level I. The search is based on a Zip Code tag and is free to all customers.

About Koyal Private Training Group

What We Offer

  • Koyal Training Group provides the following:
  • Online State Fraud Compliance Training,
  • Continuing Education (CE),
  • General Fraud Training and
  • IFC (Insurance Fraud Certified) Professional Designation.

Our programs are designed for the insurance industry, particularly, Adjusters, Agents Underwriters, and Private Investigators. The program subjects are Insurance Fraud, Investigations and Compliance.

These courses offer professional license holders and other insurance experts’ suitable, involved and excellent training that both improves career development and raises productivity.

Koyal Training

Koyal Training designs its online and on-site training to your particular needs, providing information you can apply while in training in order to reinforce the efficiency of that information. Our coursework qualifies state standards both for fraud and continuing-education upgrade. Our programs are adaptable and can be presented in various formats to address industry requirements and standards. Please visit and check our course listings.

We present this training either through your organization’s in-house Learning Management System or through a tailor-fitted Learning Management Center created to appear as your company’s original training hub.

Online Training

Koyal Training fits its online and on-location courses for clients to their particular needs, providing information they can use with the training to make that information effective. Our coursework satisfies state requirements for both fraud and continuing education credits. Our programs are flexible and delivered in multiple formats to meet industry needs and standards.

Our Online Courses:

  • provide specially designed courses for all types of business
  • allows group pricing on all packages
  • are delivered immediately online, at your most convenient time